Sunday, 15 December 2019


Amuse boys are pretty busy this year. Is there a chance you'll be able to, like, buy stuff? Uehara Takuya grell black butler kuroshitsuji. My home - France. LOL at the facts! I really love Asmart uehara takuya pinocchio

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Is there a chance you'll be able to, like, buy stuff?

U I can't wait to know this story! Prince of tennis Prince of tennis tenimyu Shitenhouji Shitenhouji A Uehara Takuya Hisanori Sato oshitari kenya zaizen hikaru Isogai Ryuko chitose senri hirano ryo hitouji yuuji nishiyama takeya konjiki koharu Hirose Yuusuke Ishida gin tenimyu don-don-do-do-don Shitenhouji! And let's hope the best for my money! If I'm not too lazy or if it's not a report I'll send you uehraa facts via pm!

uehara takuya pinocchio

I'm quite anxious about getting tickets but I hope for the best! I really love Asmart So far he's my youngest crush, please no more! Oh Uwhara should rewatch this one! I was so nervous because of the thought that Grell can be played by a new actor, but these fears were senseless, because Taku-chan is back!

[Cast] Black&White: Pinocchio - The prince of tennis _ Tenimyu — LiveJournal

I was going to bed, because there is 3 a. Uehara Takuya grell black butler kuroshitsuji. I don't even know why I was thinking that. I hope I wont' fall for those kiddos who are younger than YoshiRyo Yeah I laughed when I saw the title too xD That'd be awesome if they had The Game in fall but I doubt it everyone has already their play dance tengoku vol. If Uehra fangirling I don't even know how excited you're are Adventure Picture book Pinocchio?

— scentofasphalt: Uehara Takuya - Pinocchio

Sometimes I have a feeling that Takuya is in love with Grell or is just addicted to his character very much. LOL at the facts! Uehara Takuya takuya uehara chikyu gorgeous chikyu gorgeous vol. I dunno he cursed me or something Kakkun WHAT are you doing kaku kento uehara takuya amuse super handsome live. Want to see tajuya posts tagged uehara takuya?

Uehara takuya pinocchio

Yeah probably musical goods and asmart stuff! I'm going to Japan this summer! When I was 11 they always teased me that i looked like Pinocchio, because of my shoe! Amuse boys are pretty busy this year.

uehara takuya pinocchio

Even at rehearsals of all Kuro musicals Taku-chan wore red things, because if Grell wears only the red colour, he takkya do the same. Yeah shouldn't be a problem since it's you, but I'll take only stuffs I don't need to look for I mean don't ask me something I absolutely don't know where to find xD.

My home - France. Log in No account?

uehara takuya pinocchio

Which was maybe not such a good idea. I think Kouki's picture up there will be my nightmare today!!! I missed takuyya as Grell so much!

pioncchio I've actually started watching this drama because I read that Taiki appeared in it. I feel better when I see there's younger than Yoshizawa Ryo xD.

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