Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Mobilisafe helps defenders manage the risk associated with mobile devices in three main ways:. Our first challenges with the project were, as usual, getting a strong fundamental understanding of what the product did and why it was important. Quick Cookie Notification This site uses cookies, including for analytics, personalization, and advertising purposes. The Mobilisafe mobile risk management solution is available from Rapid7 immediately. A free day trial is also available. We always look for features or benefits of the product that are obviously valuable and easy to understand — then capitalize on those in the experience. mobilisafe

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The Mobilisafe mobile risk management solution is available from Rapid7 immediately. We understand the attacker better than anyone and build that insight into our solutions to improve risk management and stop threats faster. Mobilisafe is a powerful tool that helps industry leaders protect their data on mobile devices.

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Rapid7 Acquires Mobilisafe

What's the best way to change to date range ombilisafe a report? Pricing is on a per user basis, and there are no complicated tiers or hidden costs. We looked at how all the features came together, what they were called, when they should be used. Mobilisafe was such a successful product it was quickly acquired and added to Rapid 7's product suite.

Rapid7 Acquires Mobilisafe

Confident in our solution to the challenge of designing for an information and intuitive interaction with data, we wanted to make the experience a mobipisafe unique one. Mobile security has become an increasingly urgent focus for organizations, with the BYOD trend creating new and unknown risks.

Deliver an easy mechanism for employees to automatically update their devices to the latest available firmware to mitigate risk.

This meant looking at all the metrics the Mobilisafe platform could deliver and designing how that information was displayed. Mobilisafe We designed a mobile data access monitoring tool that lead to their successful acquisition.


Automate communication to mobile users and related policies based on device attributes, vulnerability severity level and employee profile.

We always look for features or benefits of the product that are obviously valuable and easy to understand — then capitalize on those in the experience. These guys had a great product defined, but needed DC to sort out what the best experience for using that product would be. The first step for us was to evaluate the architecture of the product.

Mobile security app design work for Seattle start-up Mobilisafe

It also meant looking at mobilisafd users should interact with that information. Ready for Your Close Up, Mr. According to global research and advisory firm Forrester: We know because the response from users was phenomenal. We offer advanced capabilities for vulnerability management, penetration testing, controls assessment, incident detection and investigation across your assets and users for virtual, mobile, private and public cloud networks.

And the response from Rapid7, who acquired Mobilisafe only months after their new product launched was even more valuable. Media Mobilisade —— press rapid7. A free day trial is also available.


The addition of Mobilisafe enables Rapid7 customers to realize the same benefits across their mobile assets, addressing the challenge many organizations face with mobiliafe bringing their own devices into the workplace. We toyed with some tamer visual systems, but the whole team agreed it needed more punch so we dialed it up.

Design Commission

Once we had worked out an organization of the application we were satisfied with, we knew the next mobolisafe was to get into the details of information design and interaction design. Rapid7 Insight is your home for SecOps, equipping you with the visibility, analytics, and automation you need to unite your teams and amplify efficiency.

In fact, more than half of all IT security practitioners surveyed rated mobile security "8" or higher on a point scale of importance relative to other security priorities. This Seattle start-up provides IT managers with a toolkit to discover, assess, and mitigate mobile devices with access to corporate networks. If you look across the industry of IT management systems, you'll see some amazingly boring interface design and Mobilisafe knew this represented a market opportunity for them. The result is more like something you'd see in a hollywood blockbuster than on your CTO's ThinkBook, but it worked.

Quick Cookie Notification This site uses cookies, including for analytics, personalization, and advertising mobilisfe. Our first challenges with the project were, as usual, getting a strong fundamental understanding of what the product did and why it was important.

If the experience of using their system was a rich and exciting one, the chances IT managers would be compelled to continue using it were much great.

These seeds of value are what capture the hearts and minds of customers and make the mobilsafe desirable.

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